1994 Recipient
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Allan Bradley, Ph.D.

Molecular and Human Genetics

Allan Bradley, Ph.D.

Chromosome engineering in ES cells

Dr. Bradley was honored for his role in developing the technique of gene knock-out by homologous recombinant and facilitating its application to the study of development and oncogenesis.

Dr. Bradley’s nomination was based on the following publications:

Donehower LA, Harvey M, Slagle BL, McArthur MJ, Montgomery CA Jr., Butel JS, Bradley A." Mice deficient for p53 are developmentally normal but susceptible to spontaneous tumours ". Nature. 1992 Mar 19;356(6366):215-21.

Lee EY, Chang CY, Hu N, Wang YC, Lai CC, Herrup K, Lee WH, Bradley A. " Mice deficient for Rb are nonviable and show defects in neurogenesis and haematopoiesis. ". Nature. 1992 Sep 24;359(6393):288-94.

Matzuk MM, Finegold MJ, Su JG, Hsueh AJ, Bradley A. " Alpha-inhibin is a tumour-suppressor gene with gonadal specificity in mice. ". Nature. 1992 Nov 26;360(6402):313-9.