1995 Recipient
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Martin M. Matzuk, M.D., Ph.D.


Martin M. Matzuk, M.D., Ph.D.

Transgenic models to study reproduction, oncogenesis and development

Dr. Matzuk received the award for his contribution towards understanding the roles of inhibins and activins in mammalian reproduction and development. His studies demonstrated a tumor suppressor role of inhibins, a possible role of activins in human cancer cachexia syndromes, a critical role of activins and follistatin in craniofacial development, and lastly, that activin II deficiency leads to reproductive defects.

Dr. Matzuk’s nomination was based on the following publications:

Matzuk MM, Kumar TR, Vassalli A, Bickenbach JR, Roop DR, Jaenisch R, Bradley A." Functional analysis of activins during mammalian development. ". Nature. 1995 Mar 23;374(6520):354-6.

Matzuk MM, Kumar TR, Bradley A. " Different phenotypes for mice deficient in either activins or activin receptor type II. ".Nature. 1995 Mar 23;374(6520):356-60.

Matzuk MM, Lu N, Vogel H, Sellhever K, Roop DR, Bradley A. " Multiple defects and perinatal death in mice deficient in follistatin. ". Nature. 1995 Mar 23;374(6520):360-3.