2000 Recipient
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Richard Gibbs, Ph.D.

Molecular & Human Genetics

Richard Gibbs, Ph.D.

Baylor College of Medicine and the Human Genome Project

Dr. Gibbs received the award for his contributions in an international consortium that generated a draft DNA sequence of the human genome. Dr. Gibbs’ research has brought new insights into the sequencing field through the use of novel cloning strategies and unique dye chemistries to make Baylor College of Medicine’s efforts unique and very productive in the international effort to sequence the human genome. His work as been at the forefront of the production phase of DNA sequence information for the Human Genome Project, and his concomitant development of approaches to high- resolution genetic analysis has provided new insights into disease. His sequencing efforts and successes have been substantial and the numbers speak for themselves. As of November 2000, Dr. Gibbs’ laboratory has produced more than 345 megabases of finished DNA sequence that has been entered into the national databases. This amount of sequencing placed Baylor College of Medicine as the second leading medical school in the country at the time contributing to the sequencing of the human genome.

Dr. Gibbs’ nomination was based on the following publications:

Adams, M.D. et al." The genome sequence of Drosophila melanogaster. ". Science. 2000 Mar 24;287(5461):2185-95.

Rubin GM, et. al. " Comparative genomics of the eukaryotes. ". Science. 2000 Mar 24;287(5461):2204-15.

Hoskins RA, Nelson CR, Berman BP, Laverty TR, George RA, Ciesiolka L, Naeemuddin M, Arenson AD, Durbin J, David RG, Tabor PE, Bailey MR, DeShazo DR, Catanese J, Mammoser A, Osoegawa K, de Jong PJ, Celniker SE, Gibbs RA, Rubin GM, Scherer SE. " A BAC-based physical map of the major autosomes of Drosophila melanogaster. ". Science. 2000 Mar 24;287(5461):2271-4.

Bouck JB, Metzker ML, Gibbs RA. " Shotgun sample sequence comparisons between mouse and human genomes. ". Nat Genet. 2000 May;25(1):31-3.