Adam Antebi, Ph.D.
Molecular and Cellular Biology
Huffington Center on Aging
Dr. Antebi received the award for his groundbreaking work in C. elegans that illustrates the specific role of DAF-12 as a nuclear recpetor, the identification of dafachronic acids that bind to and transactivate DAF-12, and that DAF-9 and DAF-36 are two cytochrome P450s necessary for the biosynthesis of dafachronic acids.
Dr. Antebi?s nomination was based on the following publications:
Motola DL, Cummins CL, Rottiers V, Sharma KK, Li T, Li Y, Suino-Powell K, Xu HE,
Auchus RJ, Antebi A, Mangelsdorf DJ."
Identification of ligands for DAF-12 that govern dauer formation and reproduction
in C. elegans. ". Cell. 2006 Mar 24;124(6):1209-23.
Rottiers V, Motola DL, Gerisch B, Cummins CL, Nishiwaki K, Mangelsdorf DJ, Antebi
A. "
Hormonal control of C. elegans dauer formation and life span by a Rieske-like oxygenase.
".Dev Cell. 2006 Apr;10(4):473-82.
Gerisch B, Rottiers V, Li D, Motola DL, Cummins CL, Lehrach H, Mangelsdorf DJ, Antebi
A. "
A bile acid-like steroid modulates Caenorhabditis elegans lifespan through nuclear
receptor signaling. ". Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2007 Mar 20;104(12):5014-9.