New Feature: A new feature has been added to allow Principal Investigators to assign a designee to process transfer requests on their behalf.

Effective immediately, all requests for animal transfers will require entry of the last five digits only of a valid census ID. The census ID is located on the cage card of the cage(s) to be transferred. Upon entering the last five digits, the census ID information will validate and display in its entirety to ensure the correct census ID information is submitted. If you experience any problems please contact the appropriate animal facility manager for assistance.

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Please enter your username and password. 

Please allow transfers 48 hours to be processed.
All internal animal transfer requests must be submitted via the CCM Internal Animal Transfer System. This includes transfers that are taken from higher level barrier facilities to the lab by research personnel, then returned to lower level barrier animal facilities. Email notification will be sent once submitted and transfer is completed by CCM Staff.
After request is submitted, please click on the following link CCM Cage Card System . Log into the CCM cage card system, select the “transfer” tab and enter your information. Transfer card can be printed at the kiosk located in the facility. Place these cards on each cage.

                  Image text
Please see the facility manager if you need additional assistance.

Recently transferred cages will receive new CCM cage cards for tracking/inventory purposes and should not be removed. CCM personnel will place your original cage cards behind the new cage cards.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: This notice applies expressly to the "sending" principal investigator (first section on the Animal Transfer Request) when transferring animals. Please use the Census number under which animals are currently housed to ensure animals are transferred appropriately. (click here for additional instruction)

If at anytime you have questions or concerns please contact CCM Transfer Agent at (713)798-8583 or by email

                                      This site is for internal use only. Questions? Contact the web master