Abstract Submission Instructions
  • The abstract is limited to 300 words excluding titles, authors, and tables/graphs.
  • Tables and graphs may be uploaded as .jpg file or .gif file.
  • You will receive an e-mail confirmation of the receipt of your abstract. All abstracts will be included in the meeting abstract e-booklet.
  • Abstracts must be submitted no later than October 01, 2024, 6:00 PM CDT
Abstract Format
  • Title: Words excluding titles, authors, and tables/graphs.
  • Introduction: Describe the problem. Provide a concise review of what is known about the problem and how it relates to available knowledge in the literature.
  • Aim: State the purpose of your project and your desired goal(s) for improvement.
  • Methods/Intervention: Describe what change was implemented. Include the process used for implementing the change, specifically what model was used (e.g. Model for Improvement, Lean Six Sigma, etc.
  • Data Collection and Analysis: Discuss your approach to measuring the effect of the change, specifically what measures were used (e.g. structure, outcome, process, and/or balancing). Detail how the data was collected, analyzed and interpreted.
  • Results: Provide a summary of what you found, including changes in your measures of interest.
  • Discussion: Discuss the significance of your findings and the impact your change will have on your unit and the health care system as a whole. You may outline the problems encountered during the process of change or describe what you would do differently if you were starting again.
First Author
All communication will be sent to this email address
Additional Authors

First Name
Middle Initial
Last Name
Is senior author?

First Name
Middle Initial
Last Name
Is senior author?
Abstract Details
Words left: 300
Tables and Graphs

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Additionally, this year’s agenda will include a pre-conference APP/RN workshop. Jointly provided by Texas Children’s Hospital and Baylor College of Medicine.
Target Audience
Physicians, residents, fellows, advanced practice providers, nurses, social workers, pharmacists and other healthcare professionals.

For questions or additional information, please email your inquiries to Florence Noel at fxnoel@texaschildrens.org.