We are pleased to announce the 2024 Pediatrics Pilot Awards for research projects that have relevance to pediatrics. We anticipate funding approximately ten pilot projects (up to $50,000 for basic/translational research projects, up to $50,000 for clinical research projects with $10,000 of the funds restricted for regulatory, informatics, and biostatistical support). Proposals in quality and health outcomes research are welcome and encouraged.

The purpose of these grants is to provide seed funding to generate data necessary for the submission of a grant application to the NIH or other peer-reviewed funding mechanisms. Multi-disciplinary collaborative research projects are strongly encouraged and will be given a high priority.

The funds are not meant to be used for training purposes or to provide interim funding for an established program suffering a lapse in grant support.

All grant applicants must submit a Letter of Intent (LOI).

The LOI and application submission must be completed in the application system by the deadline or it will not be accepted.

  • Baylor College of Medicine faculty members, who have a primary appointment as an Instructor or Assistant Professor in the Department of Pediatrics, are eligible to serve as principal investigators.
  • Fellows may submit applications only if they have a faculty offer pending and have their contract letters in place by the June review deadline.
  • Investigators who received a pilot award in the previous year, may apply for a second year of support. However, it is expected they will have significant progress to report and a strong justification for requesting additional support. A third year of support will not be provided for any previously funded project. (For investigators requesting a second year of support, a description of progress should be included in the preliminary data section of the application.)
  • Pilot project grantees from previous years are not eligible to apply for support for a new pilot project in 2024.
  • Only one application allowed per PI per cycle.
The criteria used in evaluating an application are the same as those generally applied in competition for funding at the national level. These criteria include:
  • The significance of the research and its relevance to pediatrics
  • The approach including the adequacy of the conceptual framework, design, and analyses as well as acknowledgement of potential problems and alternative tactics
  • The appropriateness of study design and sample size calculations, as applicable
  • The originality and innovation of the project
  • The feasibility of the procedures outlined in the application, including ability to complete project in one year and evidence of support from the section head and/or mentor and collaborators
  • The probability that the project will lead to a successful grant application for external peer-reviewed funding
  • An assessment of budget justification (Notes: Do not include principal investigator salary in the budget. Subcontracts are not allowed.)
  • The scientific expertise of the applicant to perform the proposed research
  • Proposals will be reviewed and rated by a Scientific Review Committee composed of Baylor College of Medicine faculty.
  • Final approval for funding will be made by the Vice Chair for Research and Chair of the Department of Pediatrics.
  • As the review panel will be composed of members who may not be an expert in the topic of an application, applicants are advised to avoid specialized jargon, to provide definitions and brief descriptions of sophisticated procedures, to include a statistical analysis plan, and to state clearly the hypothesis to be tested and the significance of the research.
  • If funded, applications must be routed through BRAIN, esp2, to have account created in SAP.
  • Clinical Research Awards:
    • Clinical research studies are required to undergo a feasibility assessment within the Center for Research Advancement (CRA) within 30 days of award notification.
    • Investigators are required to have a full protocol or manual of operations outlining the project.
    • Database development, statistical, and regulatory support are included with the award and will be provided by the CRA.
  • A progress report is due 60 days after termination of the award. Progress report should document the scientific progress and accomplishments of the project with a detailed description of the investigator’s plan for obtaining external funding.
  • A financial status report including an accounting of award expenditures is due 60 days after termination of the award.
  • All awardees will be required to
    • participate in quarterly pilot awardee meetings and training
    • participate in K Club unless they are already a recipient of a K award
    • present progress of project at awardee status meeting
  • If an application to external granting agencies on the same work is currently pending and is subsequently awarded, any approved and unspent funds must be returned at the time the external grant is activated.
The body of the grant must be five (5) single-spaced pages or less with standard type size of 11 to 12 points (no more than15 characters per inch) and margins of at least 0.5 inch. Each application must contain the following items in the order outlined below:
  1. Title page (Format of Title Page ) (1-2 pages)
  2. Revised applications: Response to comments and application updates (1 page)
  3. Body of application (maximum of 5 pages, excluding the literature cited)
    • Specific aims (remember that this is for a 1-year project)
    • Background and significance of research.
    • Preliminary data - If applying for a second year of funding, this section should include a summary of the project to date.
    • Study design, methodology, statistics and data analysis and any problem areas anticipated
    • Literature cited (include complete citations)
  4. Long term goals (1 page): Briefly describe the long-term goals of the research project that you hope to develop, if the pilot project is successful. Provide a short rationale for the proposed pilot project and planned research program, based on past experience of the applicant. Include your plan for future funding and career trajectory. If you have experienced life hardship impacting your career path timeline that should be considered as part of the grant review please include in this section.
  5. Appendix material (optional; maximum of 2 pages)
  6. Budget and detailed budget justification for each category. Budget should be completed on NIH PHS398 Form (page 4, Detailed Budget for Initial Budget Period) and include direct costs only. Attach applicable patient care quotes with the budget justification.

    Category guidelines:
    • Personnel: Principal investigator salary is not allowed.
    • Equipment: Not Allowed. (Any individual item less than $5,000 should be listed in supplies.)
    • Supplies: Itemize by category and provide details in the budget justification.
    • Travel: Must be directly related to proposed project and must be described in the budget justification. Foreign travel is not allowed unless required for the proposed research, and must align with current BCM policy.
    • Patient Care Costs: Provide details in the budget justification. Quotes should be included from all institutions detailing the research rate for the requested services and attached with the budget justification.
    • Other Expenses: Itemize by category and provide details in the budget justification.
    • Subcontracts: Not allowed.
  7. Applicant biosketch using the NIH format.   Sample Biosketch, Biosketch Template (MS Word Format), Biosketch Instructions
  8. Letters of support and mentor's biosketch
    • Investigators should include their mentor’s biosketch and a letter of support.
    • Include letters of support from collaborators and their role in the project.
    • Include letter of support from your section chief.
  9. Assurances: Protocols using human subjects, animals, radioisotopes, lasers or biohazardous materials must have appropriate review and approval before account will be set up in SAP. It is not necessary to obtain these approvals before the application is reviewed; however, all required assurances should be obtained to complete the research in the one year award period.
  10. Applications require the signature of the section chief of the applicant’s academic unit (on the Title Page). It is not necessary to obtain an institutional signature.

    Printable Format of Application

LOI submission is closed.
Application submission is closed.

Note: LOI and Application submissions require BCM ECA authentication.

If you have general questions regarding the 2024 Pediatric Pilot Awards, please review Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Section located on the left panel of this page or email us at rro@bcm.edu.

Important Deadlines

LOI submission: January 19, 2024 (5:00 PM)
Application submission: March 04, 2024 (5:00 PM)
Award announcement: May 2024