Think you might have OCD and are of Latino/ Hispanic ancestry?
Please take our survey to help us understand more about what causes OCD in diverse populations

Think you might have OCD and are of Latino/ Hispanic ancestry?
Please take our survey to help us understand more about what causes OCD in diverse populations
The Latin American Trans-ancestry INitiative for OCD genomics (LATINO) is a large-scale research study of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). If you or your child have had, or think you might have, OCD and have at least one grandparent who identifies as Latino/Hispanic ancestry, we invite you to take our survey here. To learn more about this study, please browse this site or visit us on social media at the links above.

Step 1: Consent
Understand the research study and confirm your consent on a secure platform.

Step 2: Questionnaire
In the study's secure platform, you answer questions about you, your symptoms, and how they affect you.

Step 3: Interview
We book an interview (either in person, Zoom, or by phone) to be conducted by an experienced clinician to assess or diagnosis.